Kingston dials things up to 256GB with new SSDNow V+ line

Kingston is still a relative newcomer to the SSD game, but it looks like it's already well on its way to endless, somewhat confusing product refreshes, with it now rolling out three drives in its new SSDNow V+ line. Available in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB capacities, the new drives best the previous non-plus SSDNow V line with read and write speeds up to 220MB/sec and 180MB/sec, respectively, and pack some higher input and output operations per second (or IOPS) to boot, which should also help to deliver an overall boost in speed. As you might expect, however, while things start a somewhat reasonable $254 for the 64GB model, things get decidedly more out of reach from there, with the 128GB drive running $500 firm, and the 256GB drive setting you back a hefty $992.

Caffeine: It’s Google On Red Bull, Or Something

Search Engines are like sharks: If they stop moving, they die.

Okay, I’m not even sure if that’s really true about sharks. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s not. But still, it is true about search engines, in that they have to keep innovating and updating, if for nothing else to stay ahead of spammers. Google, as the king of search engines, obviously has been doing that constantly throughout the years. Some of the changes are noticeable, but most are subtle tweaks on a rolling basis.

But today, the company has begun testing a new engine for its search product that’s a big enough change that it felt compelled to let the world know about it. Codenamed “Caffeine”, it promises to “push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions.”

The test, available here:, really doesn’t look any different at first glance. And Google notes as much, saying that these changes are primarily under the hood. When you hear that, most people will probably assume this means speed in showing results.

So is it any faster? It’s hard to tell. Most results on Google are already so fast, that shaving a nanosecond here or there hardly seems to matter. By Google’s own counter (which show up along the top of every Google result page next to the number of results), the results are mixed. Sometimes Caffeine wins, sometimes regular old Google wins.

But reading Google’s statement, it seems that by “indexing speed” they may mean the speed at which they index pages behind the scenes, putting them in the results. It’s difficult to test that immediately, it seems like something you may start to notice over time as content comes in faster.

One thing I do notice is that across the board, Caffeine seems to have more results in its index than regular Google does. But it’s hard to tell if that really matters since most people never get to the end of the millions of results for items (and for most, in fact, you can’t).

In terms of actual results, they seem to be mostly the same. Doing the same search on each, a few results change positions, and some different ones appear, but it’s largely the same for the words I tested.

Google’s Matt Cutts worked on the project and has a Q&A on his own blog that is interesting. Here’s my favorite part:

Q: Is this Caffeine Update because of Company X or Y is doing Z?
A: Nope. I love competition in search and want lots of it, but this change has been in the works for months. I think the best way for Google to do well in search is to continue what we’ve done for the last decade or so: focus relentlessly on pushing our search quality forward. Nobody cares more about search than Google, and I don’t think we’ll ever stop trying to improve.

To me that brings to mind two companies immediately: Twitter and Bing. Those are the two services doing the most interesting things around search right now that could potentially challenge Google. But the Google team claims it has been working on this project in secret for the past “several months,” so if you believe that, it stands to reason that this at least probably isn’t a direct response to Bing, which is newer.

And I like that answer. Too many companies focus on directly going after competitors by doing exactly what they’re doing, or attempting to. With Caffeine, it doesn’t appear Google is trying to do that, but instead is just trying to improve what it already does well. Of course, you can have that luxury when you’re the king.

I do wonder though if Google doesn’t do anything to change the appearance of its results, even if those changes are meaningless (adding more pictures, etc), if users won’t perceive that its rivals are out-maneuvering it. Still, better results cannot hurt, especially as some tests suggest that the rivals may be catching up to Google in that regard.

Google is doing this public test now to get feedback from users, presumably before deploying it into wide release on

Eunice Kennedy Shriver dies at 88

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, younger sister of President John F. Kennedy and founder of the Special Olympics, died Tuesday morning. She was 88 and had been hospitalized on Cape Cod, Mass.

Shriver's family expressed sadness and shock in a statement released early Tuesday.

"She was the light of our lives, a mother, wife, grandmother, sister and aunt who taught us by example and with passion what it means to live a faith-driven life of love and service to others," the statement read. "For each of us, she often seemed to stop time itself — to run another Special Olympics games, to visit us in our homes, to attend to her own mother, her sisters and brothers, and to sail, tell stories, and laugh and serve her friends.

Windows 7 Loader SLic Activation Release 4

Al igual que vista loader, este activador promete darle vida eterna a nuestro windows seven logrando de esta manera un sistema OEM con posibilidad de realizar actualizaciones desde windows update, logo de la placa en la información de sistema.

Su funcionamiento es sencillo, solo ejecutar como administrador y elegir el modelo de la placa.

Descargar Windows 7 Loader SLic Activation:

Windows 7 podría retrasar su lanzamiento debido a un fallo

La versión RTM (Release To Manufacturing) de Windows 7 presenta un fallo crítico que podría provocar el retraso del nuevo sistema operativo de Microsoft, previsto para el 22 de octubre.

Según el portal InfoWorld, se acaba de detectar un defecto crítico en Windows 7 RTM, la versión previa a la disponible para usuario final, que podría truncar el calendario fijado por Microsoft para el lanzamiento de su nuevo sistema operativo.

El error en cuestión es una pérdida masiva de memoria que ocurre cuando la utilidad chkdsk.exe, que escanea los discos duros de las PCs en busca de errores en los archivos y estructuras de archivos, está corriendo.

Además, la falla en la memoria, que puede causar que la PC deje de trabajar, ocurre cuando chkdsk.exe corre en discos secundarios, distintos del disco donde está instalado Windows.

El problema afecta tanto a la versión de 32 bit como a la de 64, y está clasificado como un “showstopper”, es decir, que puede causar el bloqueo total del sistema operativo (la clásica pantalla azul) al agotarse la memoria disponible.

De acuerdo a Randall C. Kennedy, editor de InfoWorld, es más probable que la falla afecte a los administradores de IT que a los usuarios del día a día, ya que los administradores son los que más corren las funciones de diagnóstico y reparación de Windows 7.

No obstante, Kennedy señala que la falla podría afectar el núcleo del sistema de archivos NTFS, ya sea retrasando la fecha planeada del lanzamiento de Windows 7 o causando que los administradores IT demoren la implementación de Windows 7 hasta que Microsoft emita un parche o un paquete de servicio.

BMW y su Auto híbrido ” El Auto Ecológico”

Por ello, varios fabricantes como la Hyundai, BMW y muchos más, han adoptado como política dentro de la empresa, la implementación de este nuevo sistema que ha brindado buenas performances a los usuarios pero que también comparte una responsabilidad por mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes del planeta.

Un auto híbrido es aquel que se impulsa con energía eléctrica ayudado por baterías, pero alternativamente también lo hace a través de un motor de combustión que moviliza un generador. Sin embargo, este motor también podría generar directamente el movimiento de las ruedas del auto, aún cuando se trata de que ésta sea la última opción a usar.

Un sistema electrónico es el responsable para que el conductor determine el tipo de motor a usar y el momento de hacerlo.

La ventaja de un auto híbrido frente a uno netamente eléctrico, es que este último adolece muchas veces de problemas de autonomía, toda vez que la recarga de las baterías se realiza a través de una fuente externa; mientras que en los autos híbridos este problema no existe.

En los híbridos, cuando se utiliza la opción del motor a combustible, el auto se desenvuelve con total normalidad y alcanza una eficiencia perfecta; y en el caso de que el auto generara mayor energía, ésta es aprovechada por el motor eléctrico para recargar las baterías.

Asus PGX58 Premium, placa madre que ya soporta USB 3.0!

Alguien recuerda cuando se cambió de USB 1.1 a USB 2.0? Si lo recuerdas de seguro tendrás en la memoria el cambio drástico de velocidad que aquello significó, fué como cambiar de conectarse por módem telefónico de 28kb a tener un ADSL de 10MBits. La movida de USB 2.0 a USB 3.0 es idéntica y al parecer el primero que se ha jugado la ficha por esta nueva tecnología es Asus, es el primer fabricante que ya ha lanzado motherboards equipadas con soporte de puertos USB 3.0, esta disponible para la nueva placa PGX58 Premium que traerá dos puertos de este tipo, como vemos en la fotografía.